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Rachel Saylor

Once, a few years ago, I attempted to use Twitter. This may sound ridiculous, especially to those well versed in social media, but when it comes to social media, I am at a loss. Compared to the average consumer, I don’t use Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat nearly as much. Not to mention all of the other social media out there like Twitter, Tumblr, Peach or Medium.  

What I’ve realized is that people are consuming a shit ton of content on these social media platforms and I need to figure out how to use them, which ones will help me reach more people and help them get over their writing fears, and then get my ass into gear using them. I have started with the medium I feel most comfortable with, that feels the least intimidating; Facebook. Here, every Monday, I post a blurb and link to my latest blogpost on my website.

I think it is important to start with the social media you feel most at ease using. Develop a routine posting on it. By posting compelling, consistent content, you will force people to notice you. Even if it doesn’t happen immediately, which it most likely won’t, eventually you will get attention and begin gaining your audience. Don’t get disheartened when not many people like your post or visit your blog that week. Yes, it is natural of us as humans to want to feel validated, and online this is felt by receiving likes and comments on our posts, but don’t give up when you are not seeing many, if any at all, responses. You know your content is gold, so keep writing and posting. With time, you will see results.

This will be difficult, but I suggest that after you post your content on the social media platforms you feel comfortable using, begin writing your next post or working on your next novel. Do this instead of obsessing over constantly checking to see if anyone has sung your praises. Since I know humans are not robots, give yourself specific times to check your posts to bask in the validation. Feel gratitude as you devour the likes, retweets, views and words people respond to your post with, and use it to propel you to continue writing and working your ass off.



Rachel Saylor


As I continue to make myself write each day and dig deep within myself to articulate my opinions and the way that I feel on different topics concerning this life of ours, I find that I have also begun speaking my opinions out to others. I have noticed that as I am voicing my opinions, I am able to more clearly articulate my thoughts. This is because I have not only been bouncing ideas around in my head, but I have been writing them out, making them more concrete, and therefore, I have more confidence in expressing myself on these particular subjects. Instead of being intimidated by abstract concepts, I am exploring, discovering and coming alive within these ideas. This is a beautiful change that is, of course, bringing growth.

As I have found myself in different situations with people having discussions on topics such as politics, healthy lifestyles, what a good marriage is, etc., I have sometimes felt myself paralyzed, unable to say anything. Although I have thought about a lot of the topics that arise in conversation, perhaps I have not ventured to express those thoughts to others, and therefore, I do not feel as strongly about them. I have not let myself thoroughly search and discover inside my mind what I think on many subjects. However, after I have spent time writing about such things, I have that boost of confidence and am able to quickly compile a sound thought that I can interject into the conversation. I don't have to feel like I have nothing to contribute anymore. Even if you don't ever publish your writings, it is an incredible way to discover your voice.

Being able to have more solid ideas and stances on different subjects will bring even more growth when you open up conversations with others on these subjects. They will have new insight or varying opinions to your own, but your own opinions will be more matured than if you had not written them out, creating room for more in-depth, better thought out conversations.

I urge you to dig deep within yourself and start to write. As the blood flows to your fingertips and you are typing away, clarity will hit you, your ideas will solidify and your confidence will be boosted. That is not to say that there won’t be struggle; you will battle your thoughts. As you fight it out, your thoughts will become clearer, and there you will find freedom. What a beautiful thing that is.


Rachel Saylor

I recently read On Writing by Stephen King and let me tell you, YES! This piece, discussing the ins and outs of writing fiction, is incredible for any aspiring writer to partake of, and I had to encourage all of you to go read it! He walks you through the whole process of writing, yet gives the reader plenty of room to interpret things their own way. Although it is a great guide, it does not overload you with too many details or step-by-step lists of every small thing you need to do in order to successfully write a novel. 

You get a sneak peek into Stephen King's journey of becoming a success in the writing world, as well as what his life looks like now. In the middle of it all, you get hefty nuggets of advice and clarity on how to go about your dream of writing. I love his main take home point which is as a writer, you must tell a story with honesty and clarity, but mostly just tell the story. This is our job as writers. What makes me love this so much, is it takes off all of the pressure of having to plot plan as well as character build before really diving into the novel. This has been my way of writing so far; to just begin telling a story, even if there is no clear beginning or end and let the moment and characters lead me. I have to say, it felt good to know I'm not the only one taking this approach with writing a novel.

I urge you to pick up this book and read what Stephen King has to say on writing. You won't regret it.

"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."  -On Writing by Stephen King

So what are you waiting for? Go read and write!